Consulting and Facilitation
Strategic Planning
We work with boards and executives to identify, adopt, articulate and implement winning strategies through analysis, process development, education, facilitation, and implementation. We know that a well-articulated strategic plan provides your organization a roadmap for applying the board’s vision in daily life and helps harness collective efforts towards common strategic objectives.
Mergers & Acquisitions
We help boards evaluate whether to pursue mergers. We also facilitate the dealer breaker conversations between two or more boards. This includes decisions on CEO selection, board chair role, board composition, executive team, brand name, and head office location. We will work with other third parties to augment the due-diligence process. Our team also helps with communication plans to enable a positive vote.
Improving Board Efficacy
We improve the effectiveness of boards by conducting assessments in key governance areas, cultivating best practices, and supporting the implementation of new dynamics and systematic processes.
Board Assessments
We conduct various assessments for boards. From customizing board assessments to facilitating action plan development, we deliver director self assessments, peer evaluations, committee evaluations, and overall Board evaluations.
CEO Evaluations
We support boards to evaluate CEOs through rigorous and fair processes. Boards will be able to link CEO compensation directly with strategy, and effectively assess CEO competencies. We also help boards to develop/assess variable compensation practices.
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
We work with boards and executives to facilitate the development of novel ERM frameworks, as well as analyze and improve all aspects of your risk management program.